What causes ingrown hairs?

Ingrown hair is the result of hair getting cut or broken below skin level and then growing into the side of the hair follicle instead of out.  This results in painful red bumps that usually turn into pustules.  The curlier the hair, the higher the risk.  Ingrown hairs are normal reaction to waxing, shaving and cream hair removal and it is not caused by the kind of wax, cream or razor blade being used. Putting powder on the area right after waxing doesn't prevent one from getting ingrowns.  Powder can clog the pores.  Prevention of getting ingrown hairs is to take care of your skin before and after hair removal treatment as suggested. 

If you have more concerns, please call us at 202-470-3220.

Thank you.
Maria L Magno Duquette
1234 19th St., NW, SUITE 408
(Dupont Medical Building)
Washington, D.C. 20036

(202) 470-3220